Monday, 11 July 2022

Beginners Guide to Web3

Web3 is booming and there's no stopping that. It's not new, but at the moment it's gaining traction with the masses. It's the next major trend in web development. The job opportunities in the area of web3 are growing day by day. There is a high demand for blockchain developers, Web3 developer Great Web3 Video Explanation, as well as other jobs associated with web3. There are many jobs and opportunities for web3 developers and it will rise in the future.

If you are a novice in the world of web3 development, it can be hard to grasp certain terms and concepts. Previously, Web1 was mostly end-user-oriented. It was used to consume data.

Web2 started with the rise of social media, which allows users to create content via the internet. This leads to the popularity of the creator of content on the internet and eventually becoming a celebrity. In this time, the creator and the consumer develop.

Web2 is also famous for centralizing data. Big corporations typically manage the data of the entire globe. One company owns several companies that acquire data from multiple sources. This was one of the major issues facing the internet2 and caused the new revolution in the internet.


Web3 is thought to be the next revolution of the internet. Web3 involves the decentralization data via blockchain-based apps and the use of the token for economics. Web3 is the term "Web3" was coined in 2014 by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood. It has gained popularity lately due to the many platforms and resources available to create the blockchain-based application.

Developers has mixed feeling about web3. Some considered it an unsustainable trend that will not last long. Some believe that there is a future for Web3 due to following reasons:

Community is building in recent times to help in learning and growth. startup ideas revolving around web3

Companies are building tools that help the development process. There are grants available for web3-related projects.

I highly recommend web developers to play around with the web3 at least for at least once. Both Web2 as well as Web3 will co-exist with one another in the near future. Let's look ahead to learn about Web3 more thoroughly. Blockchain Development

The Blockchain was popularized by a particular person (or group of people) using the presumed pseudonymous name of Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Blockchain solved the issue that data was distributed across the world via Web2. As all data are shared across the various nodes, there's no single person or entity with all the information.

Web3 apps are built on blockchain concept. Bitcoin is an example of blockchain. It functions as an electronic ledger system to pay for transactions but blockchain can be used to facilitate any kind of data transfer. There are a variety of networks based on blockchain, including Ethereum, Polygon, Solona, Avalanche, and other.

Dapp or Decentalized Application are applications that make use of smart contracts, which is based on blockchain netwrok for its functioning.


Dapp(Decentralized application) is the same app as a web-based application, that only extends smart contracts. You can divide the Dapp into the following sections:

It's the norm when it comes to web design. You must have your front end developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can choose any framework, like React, NextJS, or any other framework.

You can use the backend to communicate with the smart contract deployed in the network. You can integrate this feature into your frontend as well, but segregating the backend from the frontend will help you manage the app easily.

Smart Contract will be deployed on the blockchain network. Our application will interact with it to ensure the operation for the app.

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